With a Net 30 terms, we report your monthly payment activity to commercial credit agencies giving new companies the ability to build pristine business credit while paying for essential online business needs.
The notation "net 30" indicates that full payment is expected within 30 days. If a $100 invoice has the terms "net 30", the buyer must pay the full $100 within 30 days.
Konnectic Energy extends 30 days of trust to monthly paying clients. An invoice is sent at the beginning of each month during the payment term. Clients then have until the end of the month to complete the payment.
We then report all payment activity to commercial credit agencies. Early stage companies have the opportunity to build business credit and position themselves for rapid growth.
Which of Our Services Offer Net 30 Terms?
Our goal is to help new businesses get off to a great start building their credit and to help pivoting or "renovating" companies get the services they want with the benefits they need. We offer the following with Net 30 terms.
According to Nav, a great resource for business lenders and credit, when starting from scratch you must establish two tradelines or vendors, and have at least three credit experiences or 3 months of payment activity before you are given a score.
With Konnectic Energy Net 30 payment terms for a website, for example, you will commit to one year of monthly payments. Some lenders will begin reaching out soon after your credit is established. Paying early rather than on time looks great on your score.
It may take up to 3 years of good payment history to gain a perfect score. We suggest choosing multiple companies similar to ours to build your business credit. But beginning with us will certainly push you in the right direction.